Portrait of a Graduate
Our Portrait of a Graduate is an aspirational and realistic statement about how we educate. It influences all that we do in and out of the classroom and incorporates our Holy Child Goals, which are essential to our school identity.
Portrait of a Graduate was a collaborative effort of our faculty and staff who identified these goals as the outcomes for which we strive.
Goal 1 - Faith
Holy Child schools foster a faith commitment that leads to a joyous personal relationship with God in addressing the realities of the world.
A Holy Child graduate is a joyful, faith-filled community member who is guided by a moral compass throughout his or her life.
Goal 2 - Friendship
Holy Child schools live, learn, and worship as a dynamic Christian community.
A Holy Child graduate is a respectful and compassionate friend, and an engaged community member who demonstrates Cornelia’s adage of “Actions, not Words.”
Goal 3 - Learning
Holy Child schools offer an intellectually challenging, innovative, and creative program of study that develops academic excellence, encourages curiosity, and instills the joy of learning.
A Holy Child graduate is a creative, curious, and confident life-long learner who finds joy in academic pursuits and achievements.
Goal 4 - Caring
Holy Child schools promote Catholic social teaching in every facet of life as we carry out our motto, "Actions, Not Words."
A Holy Child graduate is an empathetic and globally aware citizen who uses his or her gifts and talents to work towards social justice for all.
Goal 5 - Community
Holy Child schools create a learning climate based on trust and reverence for the dignity and uniqueness of each person.
A Holy Child graduate is a trusting and trustworthy member of the community who embraces diversity and recognizes the uniqueness of each person.
Goal 6 - Personal Growth
Holy Child schools promote personal growth and development of all who participate in the life of the School.
A Holy Child graduate is a leader who embraces challenges, demonstrates resilience, and strives to be his or her best self.
Goal 7 - Mission
Holy Child schools ensure the continuation and growth of Holy Child mission and philosophy in the school.
A Holy Child graduate is one who appreciates and draws upon the values nurtured while a student, and continues his or her connection to the Holy Child community.